St. George Lodge - Installation
St. George lodge held its Installation meeting on the 13 December at Garston Masonic Hall, it should have been in October but due to the COVID pandemic it was cancelled. On the day there was no representative from the province, fortunately we had our own Provincial Grand Master’s Special Represenative. VW Bro. Derek Horrocks PGJO to stand in.
The Worshipful Master Wilf Spencer opened the Lodge the minutes were read and the dispensation read by the secretary, then a moment of silence in respect to two brethren who had passed away since our last meeting.
The Master the proceeded with the installing of W.Bro. Peter Craven, after the first part the brethren below the rank of an installed master were invited to retire for a short while. The Master then installed Peter into the chair in fine form.
VW Bro Derek Horrocks played his part by presenting the working tools the Keystone Jewels, the warrant of the lodge, he hadn’t finished yet he went on to address the Master and Brethren.
W.Bro. Eric Samuel Hughes PGJO gave the address to the Wardens and also presented a Grand lodge Certificate to Bro Billy Harrison. W.Bro. David Withey delivered the address to the Overseers.
Before closing the lodge three new members were proposed for our next meeting.
Words by V.W.Bro. Eric Samuel Hughes P.G.J.O.